OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition SDK Help

Pick analysis point


  • This is a custom interactive tool for selecting the civil points and generating report data for those points.

  • The user is prompted for civil points as Occupied point, Foresight point and Backsight point which user needs to select from UI.

  • The PickAnalysisPoints class which extends DgnElementSetTool which handles different events to interact with UI, the PickAnalysisPoints class overrides the events here in this tool.

    Note: Use OpenRoads Designer and SDK version 10.12 or above

  • This sample code is a part of ManagedSDKExample which you get with SDK installation under "examples" section in SDK installation directory.
  • If you encounter any error while using DgnElementSetTool class, make sure to add a reference to Bentley.DgnDisplayNet.dll by selecting Project > Add Reference or change the projects .csproj file to add reference to this dll .
  • The default dll location will be "C:\Program Files\Bentley\OpenRoads Designer CE 10.11\OpenRoadsDesigner\Bentley.DgnDisplayNet.dll"
  • The method OnDataButton() handles the point selection from User interface.

Source Code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Bentley.CifNET.SDK.Edit;
using Bentley.GeometryNET;
using Bentley.DgnPlatformNET;
using Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements;
using Bentley.CifNET.GeometryModel.SDK;
using Bentley.CifNET.SDK;
using Bentley.CifNET.Formatting;

namespace ExampleSnippetAddIn.Examples
    class PickAnalysisPoints : DgnElementSetTool
        public enum State
            OccupiedPoint = 0,

        State m_state = State.OccupiedPoint;
        PointEntity2dInPlan m_backSightPoint, m_occupiedPoint;
        List<PointEntity2dInPlan> m_foreSightPoints = new List<PointEntity2dInPlan>();

        internal static DgnModel m_activeModel = Bentley.MstnPlatformNET.Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel();

        public PickAnalysisPoints() : base()

        protected override void OnRestartTool()

        protected override void ExitTool()

        protected override void OnPostInstall()
            Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.AccuSnap.LocateEnabled = true;
            Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.AccuSnap.SnapEnabled = true;
            ConsensusConnection con = Bentley.CifNET.SDK.Edit.ConsensusConnectionEdit.GetActive();
            if (con == null)
            m_state = State.OccupiedPoint;
            NotificationManager.OutputPrompt("Select Occupied Point.");

        protected override bool OnDataButton(Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.DgnButtonEvent ev)
            Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.HitPath hitPath = DoLocate(ev, true, 0);
            if (hitPath == null)
                return false;

            Element el = hitPath.GetCursorElement();
            if (el == null)
                return false;

            ConsensusConnection con = ConsensusConnectionEdit.GetActive();
            PointEntity2dInPlan pointEntity2d = (el.ParentElement == null) ? PointEntity2dInPlan.CreateFromElement(con, el) : PointEntity2dInPlan.CreateFromElement(con, el.ParentElement);
            if (pointEntity2d == null)
                return false;

            switch (m_state)
                case State.OccupiedPoint:
                    m_occupiedPoint = pointEntity2d;
                    m_state = State.BackSightPoint;
                    NotificationManager.OutputPrompt("Select Backsight Point.");
                case State.BackSightPoint:
                    m_backSightPoint = pointEntity2d;
                    m_state = State.ForeSightPoint;
                    NotificationManager.OutputPrompt("Select Foresight Points.");
                case State.ForeSightPoint:
                    NotificationManager.OutputPrompt("Select Foresight Points / Reset for report.");

            return true;
        protected override bool OnPostLocate(HitPath path, out string cantAcceptReason)
            //checks that hitpath is not null
            if (path == null)
                cantAcceptReason = "HitPath is null.";
                return false;

            //checks that the cursor element is not null
            Element element = path.GetCursorElement();
            if (element == null)
                cantAcceptReason = "There is no element at cursor.";
                return false;

            Bentley.CifNET.SDK.ConsensusConnection con = ConsensusConnectionEdit.GetActive();
            if (con == null)
                cantAcceptReason = "There was an error connecting to the Civil SDK model.";
                return false;

            PointEntity2dInPlan pointEntity2d = (element.ParentElement == null) ? PointEntity2dInPlan.CreateFromElement(con, element) : PointEntity2dInPlan.CreateFromElement(con, element.ParentElement);
            if (pointEntity2d == null)
                cantAcceptReason = "This is not a Civil 2d point.";
                return false;

            if (pointEntity2d == m_occupiedPoint)
                cantAcceptReason = "Element has already been selected as the Occupied Point.";
                return false;
            else if (pointEntity2d == m_backSightPoint)
                cantAcceptReason = "Element has already been selected as the Backsight Point.";
                return false;
                foreach (PointEntity2dInPlan elem in m_foreSightPoints)
                    if (pointEntity2d == elem)
                        cantAcceptReason = "Element has already been selected as a Foresight Point.";
                        return false;


            cantAcceptReason = System.String.Empty;
            return true;

        public override Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.StatusInt OnElementModify(Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.Element element)
            return Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.StatusInt.Error;

        protected override bool OnResetButton(Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.DgnButtonEvent ev)
            if (m_state == State.ForeSightPoint)
                m_state = State.OccupiedPoint;

                NotificationManager.OutputPrompt("Select Occupied Point.");
                m_occupiedPoint = null;
                m_backSightPoint = null;
            return true;

        public static void InstallNewInstance()
            PickAnalysisPoints tool = new PickAnalysisPoints();

        //Code from PointAnalysisReporter

        public struct Data
            public DPoint3d Object;
            public string Name;
            public double Bearing;
            public double Angle;
            public double Distance;
            public double Northing;
            public double Easting;

        private void DataMover(PointEntity2dInPlan obj, State pt_lvl)
            Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.ModelInfo info = Bentley.MstnPlatformNET.Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel().GetModelInfo();
            Data data = new Data();
            DPoint3d coordinateObj = obj.Coordinates;
            DPoint3d coordinateOP = m_occupiedPoint.Coordinates;
            DPoint3d coordinateOP2 = coordinateOP;

            coordinateOP2.X += 25; //An arbitrary number, intended to create a data point from which to construct a vector.
            DVector3d opLine = new DVector3d(coordinateOP, coordinateOP2);
            DVector3d occupiedToObject = new DVector3d(coordinateOP, coordinateObj);

            data.Object = coordinateObj;
            data.Name = obj.Name;
            data.Northing = obj.Coordinates.Y / info.UorPerMeter;
            data.Easting = obj.Coordinates.X / info.UorPerMeter;
            data.Distance = coordinateObj.Distance(coordinateOP) / info.UorPerMeter;

            if (pt_lvl == State.ForeSightPoint)
                DPoint3d coordinateBSP = m_backSightPoint.Coordinates;
                DVector3d occupiedToBacksight = new DVector3d(coordinateOP, coordinateBSP);
                if (occupiedToBacksight.AngleToXY(occupiedToObject).Radians <= 0)
                    data.Angle = -1.0 * occupiedToBacksight.AngleToXY(occupiedToObject).Radians;
                    data.Angle = 2.0 * Math.PI - occupiedToBacksight.AngleToXY(occupiedToObject).Radians;
            data.Bearing = occupiedToObject.AngleXY.Radians;

            ReadPoint(data, pt_lvl);

        private void MakeReport()

            DataMover(m_backSightPoint, State.BackSightPoint);
            DataMover(m_occupiedPoint, State.OccupiedPoint);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_foreSightPoints.Count; i++)
                DataMover(m_foreSightPoints[i], State.ForeSightPoint);

        internal Dictionary<string, string> ReadPoint(Data point, State pt_lvl)
            Dictionary<string, string> pointProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            if (point.Name == null || point.Name == "")
                point.Name = "Unnamed";
            pointProperties.Add("Name", point.Name);
            if (pt_lvl != State.OccupiedPoint)
                pointProperties.Add("Bearing", FormatDirection(point.Bearing));
                pointProperties.Add("Distance", FormatDistance(point.Distance));
            if (pt_lvl == State.ForeSightPoint)
                pointProperties.Add("Angle Right", FormatAngle(point.Angle));
                pointProperties.Add("Angle Left", FormatAngle(2 * Math.PI - point.Angle));
                pointProperties.Add("Deflection Angle", FormatAngle(point.Angle - Math.PI));
            pointProperties.Add("Northing", FormatForDisplay.Coordinate(point.Northing, m_activeModel));
            pointProperties.Add("Easting", FormatForDisplay.Coordinate(point.Easting, m_activeModel));
            return pointProperties;

        private static string FormatDirection(double value)
            ModelInfo info = m_activeModel.GetModelInfo();
            return FormatForDisplay.Direction(value, m_activeModel);

        private static string FormatDistance(double value)
            return FormatForDisplay.Distance(value, m_activeModel, 3);

        private static string FormatAngle(double valueRadians)
            ModelInfo info = m_activeModel.GetModelInfo();
            return FormatForDisplay.Angle(valueRadians, m_activeModel);